Thursday, March 11, 2010

More warnings about the dangers of bag slings

The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) will be issuing an official statement or warning against the use of slings. The coming CPSC release will apparently not name a particular brand of carrier, which I think it should. It may simply lump all carriers into one group when, in reality, the problems are really with one particular style of sling - a bag sling like the Infantino SlingRider that forces baby into a chin to chest position and has a high risk for positional asphyxia.

There are MANY great carriers out there that can be used safely. While learning how to use any carrier safely is an important part of the equation, there just isn't a safe way to use a bag sling. They are poorly designed and simply shouldn't be used.
Please read my previous post about the Dangers of Bag Slings and follow the link to the research for more details.

Also, please check out Nurture Baby...Naturally. She has written a very clear post with pix showing the differences between a good ring sling and a bag sling.

If you have questions or concerns about a carrier you have, please feel free to contact me and ask me about it. If you know someone who has one of these slings, please point them here or to any of the linked blogs or sites for more info.

Wear your baby high and tight. Baby's head should be kissably close. The fabric of the carrier should be adjustable to fully support the baby. If you can't do these things with your carrier, please get some help to learn to use it or make sure it is a safe carrier.

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